Ahh, nothing like a nice, rainy quiet morning. Got my cup of tea and bible and little time alone. Well the alone part just depends how you look at it. J is up but he's doing a very good job of sitting quietly waiting for me to get done with my Bible reading today....Then I7 walked upstairs and started reading quietly the children's bible to J...and now well everyone is awake and it is not so quiet! But it started out that way and it was a great start to the day! Nothing like a good recharge to get you going. I want to share this quote with you today.
Ultimately, faith is the only key to the universe. The final meaning of human existence, and the answers to the questions on which all our happiness depends cannot be found in any other way.
Thomas Merton-American Trappist monk and author of Then Seven Storey Mountain
The older 2 have been busy making things this week. I've heard mom can I use this to make a canoe, a pirate ship etc. They are going to town with the creativity this week! I7 has also been practicing writing in 'Indian code' We checked out a book from the library that tells what each picture means so he's be drawing pictures and writing us 'coded' messages.
It took J a half hour after awana's started to decide he did infact want to go to class. He seemed to have a good time afterwards but when we got to church friday, he started screaming that he didn't want to go. He is excited now, as he got his cubbies book and I told him we could do his school during the week like the big kids. I need to copy some preschool type things for him as he wants to do school like the big kids.
Yesterday we got to watch James play softball,they won again yay! It was fun to watch and we went out for lunch afterwards(ouch on the pocketbook!) Then we went to do some shopping. Sears was having a good sale so we were shopping for daddy who needed some nice clothes. So now he is set for awhile(thank goodness he doesn't outgrow his clothes! and why is it he's drawn to the most expensive of the sale items? hmm, it's never a great idea to shop with him;) )
I had picked up a few things the week before for the kids. I think we are almost ready for our trip now. Need to find a jacket for Isaac, otherwise we are pretty good. I think I am realizing that warm climates might be best for a larger family, because then you only have one season of clothes to worry about!
L is walking more and more. The other kids are still really excited and everytime he walks they talk in real high excited voices MOM look he's walking!