Sunday, June 30, 2013

In June

 I had more allergy testing.

The kids had fun in VBS, #1 was a helper this year.

My daughter had a fun time at camp with her friends.

The big boy in this picture celebrated  his 9th Birthday!  Sadly all pictures from that day were lost when my phone crashed that night.  But we had a fun day. In between packing #3 and mom got to play mini golf, eat shrimp, go on a hike and have a blizzard.  Great picks #3!!
#5 tried on his papa's eye wear.
#4 tried on some of his mom's makeup.

#4 got hit in the head, although it wasn't this branch we found it might have felt like that!  I'm hoping he understands how important it is to leave your hat on when playing ball now!  We found this branch on the ground after the hit in the head and the younger boys were then worried to walk under trees for a couple days.

This son turned 7!!
His picks of the day: Bowling, chocolate pancakes, grilled cheese and tomato soup, pizza!
Our last game of softball.
Many other things happened such as we moved and my dad(papa) was in the hospital much of June.  We now live closer to both sets of grandparents, have been working in the garden and plan to add to our chicken collection this summer.

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