Monday we got up waaaaaaaaaaay too early to take James to work. *yawn* his work schedule has changed so what was early is now crazy. But we did it, we had a dental appointment so needed the car. We got back, had breakfast, did some school and then hit the beach. Ah, the beach..sorry as we were driving there I realized I had forgotten my camera so no pictures to make you drool. But it was wonderful to soak up those sun rays and watch the waves splash and the children play. #4 is really into the water now so we were out floating around. It's good for the spirit!
We came home ate lunch and all except #1 napped. It felt good to nap after getting up so early, #1 hasn't realized that there are times when naps are acceptable and not a babyish thing to do. So as a result he was a little crabby the rest of the day.
We had our dental appointment Tuesday and all is well. Even #4 had his teeth cleaned! I was surprised on how fast they were able to get all 5 of us in and out.
But then Tuesday night comes. #2 says she isn't feeling well...she has a sore throat later that night she comes to our room saying #4 got sick. Poor #4 had a really rough night. Although now he's bouncing off the walls like nothing happened!
So here our some pictures from yesterday. We made sweet potato pie. We talked a little about Alabama and George Washington Carver-who created 118 products from sweet potatoes!
#3 Mashing the potatoes
#2 Is working on the pie crust
Final Product. This was our first Sweet Potato Pie. The kids enjoyed it. I think I might have cooked it a little too long as I expected it to be a little more moist.
Here is the little rascal from last Thursday.
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