Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer study

`So far we have managed to not float away in all this rain. Geesh! we go through rainy season on the island(ok, admittedly not bad this year) and then come to a super duper rainy season in the midwest-we must be nuts!
`I am hoping to toss any leftover Easter candy tomorrow because sugary kids stuck indoors does drive a momma a little batty! We did get to see the sun all day-I was so happy!! But once night fell, so did the rain again:)
Anyway, the true reason for the post: I wanted to share a link for some summer reading. I had been seriously thinking about this book already then came across a post from a blog I visit.
Would you like to join the Good Morning Girls in a summer study? If you'd like to you'll have to grab a book as the giveaway is over(sorry for my slowness in sharing!) Email me if you'd like to be in a study group with me, but feel free to join the group or do the study on your own!
Click on the link to find out more information but the book is Sally Clarkson's Ministry of Motherhood!

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