Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's been a bit of a break. I took a little trip to the mainland and had a great time in Dallas with my girls. Over 1300 military wives(probably some active duty ladies too-don't want to leave them out!) came together for an international conference. All of us are involved in a bible study called PWOC or Protestant Women of the Chapel(If you are near a military base call the chapel and see if they have a group!). Priscilla Shirer was the main speaker and Kari Jobe the worship leader. Great ladies, bringing God's truth forward. Many workshops to go to(Point of Grace held one and had a concert too!) and different Chaplains spoke over the weekend and just some great girl time. Reconnecting with ladies that have moved to other posts and strengthening friendships. I heard from many ladies how their husbands had greater appreciation for what they do after having to do it themselves while the wives were away. Bonus!
Maybe I'll dive into somethings I learned over the weekend but for now I am diving back into life. Kids missed me bunches, they are so sweet! Trying to get back into our school routine here. Which is always a challenge after a change of pace but add sick kids in the mix and well, I've decided to just change the schedule up a bit and not worry about sticking to Plan A.

#2 Danced "Give Thanks" on Sunday. I complimented her because she had a great big smile the whole time she danced. She said. "That's because Daddy came and he smiled at me the whole time and it made it easy for me to smile."

A new hat from the trip. Each kid wears it a different way-that's what makes them unique!

#4 wanted his picture too.

Sadly I once again have the old camera. It takes a few ok pictures but then goes back to the hazy glow:( Guess a new camera is on my wish list:D

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